Using a recent Emacs, and now M-x magic-status is hickuping at startup? Check if you have an old copy of dash.el hiding somewhere, perhaps one that you installed by yourself years ago, bypassing the package manager.
This is really a frequently issue, and it's most likely you, not Magit. See here, here, here, here, or here.
This summer, Simon Dierl contributed Invoice2 to TeX/LaTeX, to easily create typeset invoices with automatic VAT and calculation of totals. Here is a makeshift way to change one of the defaults.
Here is a first post in Debian's updated version of Hugo (0.25.1-1) which comes with support for Emacs' Org-Mode.
(setq lpr-switches '("-o PrintoutMode=Draft.Gray"))
Or, this message will go to bogus
Receiving an email that refuses to follow Gnus' client-side filter rules?
The past two years, I’ve been using Emacs' Org-Mode to create browser-based presentations. This requires Yujie Wen’s org-reveal.
The HTML export in Org-Mode by default adds a 123 lines of CSS and Java code. For most of my exports, I don’t need these.
The Seattle-based software developer Ian Kelling is doing “free and open source development for fun”.
BBDB version 3 has landed in Debian Unstable. And, it now includes bbdd-pgp.
Procrastinators beware: this is a irresistible book: Land of Lisp
Between writing news items, I sometimes twiddle with little pieces of Lisp.
Writers need spell checkers. I use Teemu Likonen’s wheck-mode. (Alternative link: Wcheck-Mode).
To generate this site, I’m using o-blog, written by Sébastien Gross. More precisely, I’m using the slightly polished set-up written by Sebastian Wiesner, at Lunaryorn.
It would be great if Emacs had modes for some of the social networks and walled gardens. Or if there was a mode that would allow users to post messages to these networks and services.
This was the final release for Drupal on this host: I’m discharging it. Drupal is an impressive CMS, but too complex for a simple web site such as this one.
“This is a note, more to myself, on Emacs' Gnus (certainly among the best email clients ever).
Alex Bennée yesterday released the latest version of “Edit with Emacs” to the Google Chrome web-store.
De komende versie van Emacs, duidelijk ’s werelds meest veelzijdige editor, bevat Org. Het is een programma voor het maken van notities, bijhouden van taaklijstjes en het plannen van projecten. De software is grotendeels in Amsterdam geschreven. Het is echter niet de enige planner-software voor Emacs. Eén veelgebruikte concurrent is Planner.