
The i3 window manager, the 2017 Thinkpad X1 Carbon, and XF86MonBrightnessUp XF86MonBrightnessDown

Here is how to get the Fn F6 and Fn F5 keys working on a brand new 2017 Thinkpad X1 Carbon.

direct-loading firmware BCM20702A1-0a5c-21e6.hcd

For my Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3460 I finally picked apart the bluetooth driver supplied by Lenovo.

logcheck, ssmpt Unable to locate mailhub

You want to use ssmtp to send the output of logcheck, yet see errors such as these?

Installing Debian Jessie on a Netgear ReadyNAS 102

The procedure for installing Debian Jessie on the ReadyNas 102 is very similar to that detailed by Uwe Kleine-Koenig for the ReadyNas 104. There are a few subtle differences, which I document here.

El Capitan & Netatalk2

Migrating a Debian server advertising disk space as TimeMachine to Macs running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) to Macs running 10.11 (El Capitan) requires the tiniest of changes to the afpd.conf file.

Bayes.lock Permission denied or No such file or directory

Using Debian Exim and Cyrus, if these error messages show up in syslog:

Configuring Shorewall to permit Open VPN in Debian

The formidable staff members at OpenOffice in Amsterdam helped me set up a VPN.

The i3 window manager and the Thinkpad X1 Carbon multimedia keys

I switched to a new laptop, and noticed that the volume down key stopped working. I had rsynced all the files in my home dir to the new laptop, and it turns out one of these needs a tiny change.

The i3 window manager and the Thinkpad T400s multimedia keys

Earlier, I wrote how to get the multimedia keys working on a Thinkpad T400s. That configuration file depended on using ALSA, but meanwhile Debian switched to PulseAudio, so the configuration needed updating.

update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

Changing your x window manager? do this