ePractice November 2015

The of the eGovernment (ePractice.eu) articles I wrote and published for the European Commission in November 2015.

Flanders to redouble focus on open data standards
“Open standards should be a priority” - MITA
UK updates lists of G-Cloud suppliers
Spain’s ICT plan ‘drives government modernisation’
Cyprus to boost number of ICT professionals
Use of Helsinki eGovernment services increases
Norway ‘Mistakes Conference’ showcases innovation
Poland starts eGovernment competence centre
Portugal offers IT training to government workers
Italian agency design guide for public web sites
Bulgaria publishes IT training manuals
Germany advices on government use of cloud services
Germany ‘extends digitisation and networks’
Gijs Hillenius
Context for Digital Government

Policy specialist on open source in public services, knowlegde transfer expert
